Path of exile scourge
Path of exile scourge

+ Skills as gems this system is really revolutionary you can create your own skills - with complex skill tree that`s really kick-ass! + Currency system and crafting with orbs + it`s free completely + Constant updates from game developers side + Race modes where u can compete with other players usualy who gets faster experience - Desinc problem, well this is one of big issues of the game, you can die easy because of this lag and thats big problem for players who want to play hardcore mode - Leveling skills dosent feel rewarding especialy for weapon skills - Monsters dosent have a personality usualy u see them as hit points to get rid off no special tactics is needed maybe little on highier difficulties.Also u have to face skelletons just with more hit points and damage even in act 3, well thats quite bad cause u want that feeling what will be there when beat boss at end of act 2 and u see skeletons hmm. Path of Exile’s upcoming Scourge expansion introduces a new challenge league to the free-to-play RPG game that will have you hunting demons on their home. lets see pluses and minuses of the game + Character customization it was never so complex in any other diablo clone game - skill three is so huge u will **** bricks and is biggest in diablo clone games so far. Sure its diablo clone - but with some new brave ideas, new gameplay systems. Well its not like starcraft 1 and 2 - u dont give new units graphics and thats it. Poe is classic "diablo game".Even its lack atmosphere from D1 it still offers a good game experience lets say differently.I have to admit developers for progressive aproach to the game.

path of exile scourge path of exile scourge

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Path of exile scourge